Lobo Solutions is specialized in custom software and apps, mobile solutions and B2B integration. We carry out even most complex projects. We create dedicated IT solutions tailored to your individual needs. We are keen on complex processes and meeting custom requirements. We listen carefully and analyze your needs in order to offer the best available solution. You can be sure that you will succeed with our solutions! Since 2007 we have finalized more than 30 projects with our Customers. Portfolio: - Media Markt (http://lobosolutions.pl/en/case-study-media-markt-i-saturn-en/) - Ambulance Station (http://lobosolutions.pl/en/case-study-radomska-stacja-pogotowia-ratunkowego-en/) - Water system in Africa (http://lobosolutions.pl/en/case-study-suswat-sustainable-water-en/)
Polen / Dolnośląskie / Wrocław, Polen / Dolnośląskie